
Storyboarding is a crucial step in the video production process that serves as a visual roadmap for the entire project. It helps to plan out the shots, timing, and overall flow of the video before any actual filming or animation begins. At MezzoLab, we understand the importance of storyboarding and have developed our own unique approach to ensure that every video we create tells a compelling story and engages the audience.

The Pre-Production Process

Before we even begin storyboarding, our team at MezzoLab focuses on planning and scripting. We work closely with our clients to understand their goals, target audience, and key messages. From there, we craft a script that effectively communicates those points in an engaging way. For some great examples of explainer video scripts, check out our blog post on Top Explainer Video Script Examples.

Storyboarding Basics

A storyboard is essentially a comic book-style representation of the video, with each panel representing a specific shot or scene. It includes sketches of the visuals, along with notes on timing, camera angles, and any audio cues like voiceover or music. At MezzoLab, we use a combination of hand-drawn sketches and digital storyboarding software to bring our ideas to life.

MezzoLab's Storyboarding Approach

What sets MezzoLab's storyboarding process apart is the collaborative nature of it. Our scriptwriters, artists, and animators all work together closely to ensure that the visuals align with the narrative and effectively convey the key messages. We put a strong emphasis on clear visual storytelling and creating engaging narrative arcs that keep the viewer hooked from beginning to end.

MezzoLab Orbs Explainer Storyboard

Case Study: Orbs Explainer Video

A great example of our storyboarding approach in action is the explainer video we created for Orbs. Orbs has a complex blockchain-based product, so it was crucial that the visuals helped simplify and clarify the concept for viewers. Our team worked closely with Orbs to understand the intricacies of their offering, and then crafted a storyboard that used clear, concise visuals to break it down step-by-step. The end result was an engaging explainer that helped Orbs communicate their value proposition effectively.

Benefits of Storyboarding

One of the biggest benefits of storyboarding is that it saves time and money in the long run. By mapping out the video in advance, we can catch any issues or inconsistencies early on, before the costly animation process begins. It also helps align the vision of the entire creative team and allows for client feedback and revisions at an early stage.

Storyboarding for Different Video Styles

The storyboarding process can vary somewhat depending on the style of video being created. For live action videos, the storyboards may focus more on camera angles and blocking of actors. For animated explainers, the boards will include more details on the illustrated characters and scenes. When it comes to motion graphics, storyboarding helps map out how the different graphic elements will move and interact on screen.

Atmosphere Explainer Video

Case Study: Atmosphere Explainer Video

In our explainer video for Atmosphere, storyboarding was key to bringing their innovative air purification product to life. The boards helped to visualize how the product worked and its benefits in a clear, engaging way through the use of animated characters and dynamic motion graphics. The storyboarding process allowed us to collaborate closely with the Atmosphere team to ensure the video aligned with their brand and effectively showcased their unique technology.

Storyboarding and the Client Experience

At MezzoLab, we believe in involving our clients closely in the storyboarding process. We share the initial boards with them to get their feedback and make sure we're aligned on the creative direction before moving forward. Many of our clients have praised this collaborative approach, as you can see in these reviews.

Storyboarding Mistakes to Avoid

While storyboarding is an essential tool, there are some common mistakes to watch out for:

  1. Overcomplicating the visuals or narrative
  2. Neglecting to include important audio cues
  3. Not leaving enough room for animation and motion design to bring the boards to life

A strong storyboard should be clear, concise, and leave room for the creativity of the animation stage.

Axon Terminal Explainer

Case Study: Axon Terminal Explainer

When Axon came to us to create an explainer video for their innovative EV charging solution, we knew the storyboards would be key to showcasing this future-forward technology. The boards allowed us to map out a narrative that highlighted the key features and benefits of the Axon Terminal in a visually engaging way. The use of futuristic visuals and dynamic motion graphics in the boards helped bring the concept to life and get stakeholders excited about the video's potential.

Storyboarding and Video Marketing Strategy

Storyboarding isn't just important for the video creation process - it should also align with the overall video marketing strategy. The boards should be crafted with the target audience and key marketing messages in mind. For more tips on creating an effective video marketing strategy, check out our recent blog post.

The Evolution of Storyboarding

Like most aspects of video production, storyboarding has evolved with the rise of digital tools. While some artists still prefer to start with hand-drawn sketches, digital storyboarding software has made it easier than ever to collaborate, make edits, and share with clients. As technology continues to advance, we can expect to see even more innovation in the storyboarding process, such as the use of VR and 3D pre-visualization tools.

NextCloud Explainer Video

Case Study: NextCloud Explainer Video

NextCloud's open source file sharing solution required a storyboard that could effectively communicate the value of their product to a wide audience. Our boards used relatable scenarios and characters to showcase how NextCloud made file sharing and collaboration easy and secure. By mapping this out in the storyboards, we were able to create an explainer video that resonated with viewers and helped drive adoption of NextCloud's solution.

Storyboarding and Video Budget

A common concern for many of our clients is how to create an effective video while staying within budget. Investing time and effort into the storyboarding process can actually help save money in the long run by catching any issues early on and serving as a clear blueprint for the production process. For a more detailed breakdown of explainer video costs, check out our blog post.

MezzoLab's Storyboarding Philosophy

At the end of the day, our storyboarding approach at MezzoLab all comes back to one key focus: storytelling. We believe that the most effective videos are the ones that connect with viewers on an emotional level and take them on a clear, engaging narrative journey. Our storyboards are crafted with this in mind, balancing creative visual storytelling with strategic messaging that aligns with our client's goals.

Getting Started with Storyboarding

If you're looking to level up your own video creation process, storyboarding is a great place to start. Begin by breaking down your script into key scenes and sketching out the visuals that will bring each moment to life. Don't worry about perfection - the goal is to create a clear roadmap that guides the production process and ensures that your final video is engaging, effective, and aligns with your overall marketing strategy.


Storyboarding is an essential tool in the video production process that helps to map out the entire video, align the creative team, and save time and money in the long run. At MezzoLab, our unique approach to storyboarding focuses on collaboration, clear visual storytelling, and strategic messaging to create videos that engage and inspire. Ready to bring your own story to life? Contact us to get started!

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